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Here’s how the Providence Focus Coaching Program Works

Understand Now

Where are you financially now?

  • Discuss money values and household responsibilities
  • Discuss why coaching now?
  • Review Current Financial Snapshot 

Future Vision

Future Vision

Where do you want to go?

  • Define well written goals
  • Brainstorm strategies
  • Identify obstacles
  • Develop personalized              action plan 

Drive Results

Moving forward to financial freedom & confidence

    • Execute action plan
    • Review progress, new learnings and make needed adjustments 

Let’s kick it off with a free consult to see how I can help you

Providence Focus Coaching Program

  • Initial consultation free (45 minutes)
  • Each subsequent finance coaching session is one hour
  • Productive financial counseling to address goal with collaboratively developed action plan and progress monitoring
  • Prompt distribution of post session notes with Action Items
  • Meetings normally held bi-weekly or monthly but can be adjusted depending on needs of clients
  • Payment due before each session upon scheduling.

    • Includes research and analysis time between sessions

  • Times scheduled & payment through PFC Website

  • Look at bundled Silver (3 Month) and Gold (6 Month) programs that include Ramsey+ subscription and Total Money Makeover book by Dave Ramsey and more

  • Great gift for young professionals, couples and families

  • Programs can always be extended with subsequent sessions

Schedule an appointment with finance coach

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A gold and blue logo of the renaissance

45 Minute Complimentary Session for Prospective Clients

Schedule Complimentary Session using Calendly
A gold and blue logo of the renaissance

Providence Focus Coaching Silver – 3 Months

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A gold and blue logo of the renaissance

Providence Focus Coaching Gold – 5 Months

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A gold and blue logo of the renaissance

Providence Focus Coaching Bronze – 3 Sessions

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A gold and blue logo of the renaissance

Finance Coaching Session – 1 Hour

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